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Crypto: The High Volotility Stock You Need To Invest In

Obviously stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are great for growing your wealth but even those have drawbacks and sometimes just don't provide the return you're looking for. I've covered a great deal of this info on a previous post so you can check that out here . When it comes to stocks, however, there are some high reward options that you need to consider before investing all your money into "super safe" accounts with minimal returns. Now you can find some stocks that provide great returns either by way of dividends or just capital gains based on how volatile they are, but few can match crypto.The option in question for this post is going to be cryptocurrencies but leave a comment if you want to learn about some more great options in a future post! I'm sure many of you have heard of cryptocurrencies before like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin but what is it, how is it used, and why is it such a great investment? What Is It Essentially, cryptocur...

You Have to Change Your Work Ethic Before You Can Change Your Life

Work ethic is really something that is overlooked by the current generation of employees and employers. Every job posting online is about experience and education and then you go in for an interview and, although not ethical, their decision is based on the way you look, speak, dress, and even your race. Personally, that just makes me want to be my own boss even more but that is much easier said than done. For most, being employed is the only option and the few employers that do look at you as a person rather than just another bill to pay are the ones you need to try to work for.

These kinds of employers are most likely going to look at work ethic which is an absolute must when it comes to being successful. Whether in your job, school, sports, or own business.

What is "Work Ethic"

I'm so glad you asked, work ethic, as defined by Oxford, is the idea ones hard work is worthy of reward. Now, I don't really like that definition too much because it is quite difficult to apply and not really defining the term in the same sense that we use it today. Work ethic is really something different to each person. To some, it's a blessing, others a chore. To me, work ethic means taking pride in everything you do and going above and beyond to be great whether it is asked of you or not.

Now this can go many different ways, but in general, doing your best is noticed by people. Whether it's your friends, colleagues, bosses, whatever, people notice hard work and if they are able to, they may reward you for it. Let's take a look at a quick example. Say you work as a painter and the owner of the house you are painting comes home and sees you meticulously taping the corners of each window frame, molding, and door frame to get prepared for the first coat of paint. For many people, they would look and be like, "great, he's doing his job, what is the big deal?"

For others though, that is a sign that you care about your work. Many painters nowadays will come in and frantically tape up the room because they aren't getting paid per hour but per job they complete that day or week. This kind of meticulous work looks very good to the customer and to your boss if the owners leave a great review. Not only could this extra effort you put in get your company more clients meaning more pay for you, but it could get you recognized by your boss and possibly rewarded.

Notice how I used a lot of words that don't sound exactly definite like "may" "possibly" etc. This is because when it comes to work ethic, nothing is a guarantee. That is why it is such a commodity to find someone with truly great work ethic. Working hard will not always result in a reward, but it may, and that is what drives you to always go the extra mile even when no one is watching.

How Do I Get People To Notice My Hard Work?

A lot of people think this as they work because they think that "good enough" is good enough. Work ethic really isn't something you do, it is a mindset. It's a way of life. Thinking about working hard should not be a chore for you, it should just be who you are? But for some, it is hard to make this adjustment because so many of us, including me, are used to just doing what is expected. I found a few helpful tips to push the process along.

  1. Start Small
    • No matter how small, it counts. These actions will likely not get noticed but they aren't supposed to. They are to help you get used to acting great when people just expect good. 
    • These actions could be as small as taking the trash out instead of just stomping it down every time it gets full. Or starting that assignment at work even though the day is about to end and staying slightly late to finish it.
    • No one is asking you to go crazy when you start, just do little things that may seem mundane to help get yourself in that "do greatness" mindset 
  2. Plan Ahead
    • Being able to say you know exactly what you're doing for the next week can make a huge difference in your productivity. Even if its not written down, just a mental note of the things you need to do goes a long way in how productive you can be with your free time.
    • Allocating free time to go above and beyond even just a little all starts with planning. If you are just living life one activity to another, each activity may not get the attention it deserves and will not get done to the degree that it should be. Even if its good enough, its not great.
  3. Work Smart (Not Hard)
    • This is a great first tip to being great instead of just good and it goes hand in hand with planning. Working smart allows you to either get more done with the same amount of effort, or get the same amount done with greater results and the same amount of effort.
    • This will save time, energy, and get your work done with better quality
Now that you have truly gotten into the mindset, you can begin to hope for results. That's right, hope. There is no way to push this faster than it will go on its own or you may jeopardize any progress you may have made. This doesn't mean you have no control over being noticed, just don't make it obnoxious. For example, let's say you work in an office environment and have been getting your projects done on time and going above and beyond with each one with seemingly no response from your supervisor. Do not. I repeat do NOT go into his or her office and point out how great you've been because that comes off as selfish, unprofessional, greedy, and just desperate.

You have to remember that this is not just another part of your job. It needs to be who you are or else it isn't genuine and even though you may think you're being great, it is just good because your whole heart is not in it, just your wallet's best interest. The key is that you need to do it for you, for your own sanity.

After employing these tips, I honestly can't imagine working half-a**ed again. I genuinely feel awkward submitting an assignment without putting my all into it. At one point in your work ethic journey, you will find that working hard becomes satisfying and rewarding. That is the goal. Not just to make money, that's a bonus.

How Can It Change My life?

Becoming a great worker is much easier said than done. I have given some tips that you should definitely try to kick-start your work ethic journey but actually implementing them effectively is what will really prove challenging. As you begin, your actions will go unnoticed which is really what prepares you for the true reward of working hard.

Your own personal satisfaction is way more important than you think. Working a normal nine to five job obviously gets bland but getting to the point where you can love going above and beyond gets noticed very quickly by those around you. Not only does the improved quality of work get noticed, but your new found love for your job does too and that is what will help you succeed.

In conjunction with your great quality work, your eagerness to do so may land you a promotion, a raise, or new opportunities from other employers to grow your career. These opportunities can obviously change your life but what if promotions and similar changes aren't available to you.

Perhaps you want to be your own boss, working hard is the only way to succeed in the business world and it certainly shows when you are able to take pride in your work. Customers love it, your employees thrive off of it, and your business will thrive as well. Working hard is the KEY. I repeat THE.KEY. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. There is no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs. They're not regular stairs either. They're 20 foot high stairs with little hands that come out and try to punch you down and all the other people trying to climb them are doing the same thing while those that are at the bottom are throwing rocks at you to try and stop your success. Yeah, that is basically what it's like.

Through work ethic you can fight through the adversity and come out on top because you are able to realize that you don't do great work for anyone else. You do it for you.

Thank you so much for reading, I hope I am able to inspire you to be great workers and go above and beyond. If you need more clarification on some things or maybe some more tips I am sure I can help. Just leave a comment.

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