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Crypto: The High Volotility Stock You Need To Invest In

Obviously stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are great for growing your wealth but even those have drawbacks and sometimes just don't provide the return you're looking for. I've covered a great deal of this info on a previous post so you can check that out here . When it comes to stocks, however, there are some high reward options that you need to consider before investing all your money into "super safe" accounts with minimal returns. Now you can find some stocks that provide great returns either by way of dividends or just capital gains based on how volatile they are, but few can match crypto.The option in question for this post is going to be cryptocurrencies but leave a comment if you want to learn about some more great options in a future post! I'm sure many of you have heard of cryptocurrencies before like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin but what is it, how is it used, and why is it such a great investment? What Is It Essentially, cryptocur...



It all started with an idea...

Actually a ton of ideas, so many in fact, that I couldn't settle on just one product or service to focus all of my energy on. Hence the name.

Hudson Innovative Co. is exactly what it sounds like, it's a company based around innovation. Not just innovation within, however. It is also about inspiring innovation in others. Nowadays, a genuinely new idea is hard to come by, but taking what we already have and making it more efficient, advanced, easier to use... just plain better is what we need. We need people to take control of their futures by changing it.

Currently, I have a notebook full of product sketches, service business write ups, and innovative ideas that I cannot wait to share with the world and implement. As you can see though, none of those products have exactly made it onto the market and the only service I have been able to implement is my Entertainment Company. Soon there will be some projects/products going up on the "Projects" page right here on this blog.

Please go check those projects out, learn about them, offer advise or support, whatever you want! I will be posting many of these projects to Kickstarter in an attempt to raise some funding. So if you want to help support our ventures, please consider donating, I'll make it worth your while.
Thank you so much!

Be a part of the change, be a part of the movement, change the world one little innovative idea at a time. That's what our goal is here at Hudson Innovative. 

"Drive Innovation. Inspire It."

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