
Showing posts from October, 2019

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Crypto: The High Volotility Stock You Need To Invest In

Obviously stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are great for growing your wealth but even those have drawbacks and sometimes just don't provide the return you're looking for. I've covered a great deal of this info on a previous post so you can check that out here . When it comes to stocks, however, there are some high reward options that you need to consider before investing all your money into "super safe" accounts with minimal returns. Now you can find some stocks that provide great returns either by way of dividends or just capital gains based on how volatile they are, but few can match crypto.The option in question for this post is going to be cryptocurrencies but leave a comment if you want to learn about some more great options in a future post! I'm sure many of you have heard of cryptocurrencies before like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin but what is it, how is it used, and why is it such a great investment? What Is It Essentially, cryptocur...

Crypto: The High Volotility Stock You Need To Invest In

Obviously stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are great for growing your wealth but even those have drawbacks and sometimes just don't provide the return you're looking for. I've covered a great deal of this info on a previous post so you can check that out here . When it comes to stocks, however, there are some high reward options that you need to consider before investing all your money into "super safe" accounts with minimal returns. Now you can find some stocks that provide great returns either by way of dividends or just capital gains based on how volatile they are, but few can match crypto.The option in question for this post is going to be cryptocurrencies but leave a comment if you want to learn about some more great options in a future post! I'm sure many of you have heard of cryptocurrencies before like Bitcoin, Litecoin, and Dogecoin but what is it, how is it used, and why is it such a great investment? What Is It Essentially, cryptocur...

You Have to Change Your Work Ethic Before You Can Change Your Life

Work ethic is really something that is overlooked by the current generation of employees and employers. Every job posting online is about experience and education and then you go in for an interview and, although not ethical, their decision is based on the way you look, speak, dress, and even your race. Personally, that just makes me want to be my own boss even more but that is much easier said than done. For most, being employed is the only option and the few employers that do look at you as a person rather than just another bill to pay are the ones you need to try to work for. These kinds of employers are most likely going to look at work ethic which is an absolute must when it comes to being successful. Whether in your job, school, sports, or own business. What is "Work Ethic" I'm so glad you asked, work ethic, as defined by Oxford, is the idea ones hard work is worthy of reward. Now, I don't really like that definition too much because it is quite difficult ...

One Stop Guide to Investing: Stocks, Mutual Funds, and Bonds

The stock market can take on many different roles for different people. For some, it is a way to raise funds and others, a reason for employment. For the majority, however, it is a means to prepare for the future, whether near or far. Of the many facets of the stock market are stocks, mutual funds, and bonds. These three make up the most common forms of investments that one may utilize. Each has its own pros and cons but deciding which one to use is really up to what you wish to accomplish with your investment.  Common Stock Common stock is the most recognizable means of investment and will most likely be what the average person thinks of when they hear the word ‘investment’. A share of stock in simple terms is a representation of ownership in a firm. Publicly traded firms sell shares of stock on the stock market to raise funds for business expenses. Once shares have been sold, the performance of the firm dictates the value of shares in ...

Here's How Climate Change is Really Affecting Our Planet and Why it Should Matter To You.

Disclaimer: To begin, I must add that I do not take one side or the other on the cause of climate change or the simple existence of it. I am merely going by the facts at hand that happen to be links between climate related changes in the earth and national/international economies. The facts strongly support a correlation in terms of increased natural disasters, changing water levels, rise of the ambient temperature of the Earth's crust, etc. I am not one to say what is causing it, it is simply the facts. I will leave that up to the scientists. Thank you for reading, you may continue :) Climate change, although widely disputed by scientists, conspiracy theorists, and even our President is beginning to rear its ugly head in everyday life. Effects may not be seen in your area just yet, but the impoverished areas of the world, such as Puerto Rico, Haiti, and much of South America are feeling the impacts of it in the way of food shortages...

How To: Stackable Bin Dresser/Storage

With cold weather just around the corner, just about everyone is ready to dust off those winter clothing bins you packed away at the beginning of spring. Now I don't know about you, but I do NOT have enough space for all these extra clothes without having to fight tooth and nail with my tiny dresser drawers. I have had enough crunched fingers at six in the morning so I needed something better. So I got to thinking, how can I organize all these extra cozy and thick clothes so they are still easy to access. Then I got it, use the bins I stored them in! After quite a bit of thinking, and experimenting with orientations and each bins physics as they leaned up against each other and the wall, this is the best orientation for ease of access, stability, and maximization of storage space.  So, here is everything you will need. 1 Full bin: This bin can be full of anything of your choosing, I have assorted camping gear and summer shoes but ...